• How to successfully defend your PhD thesis

    A Ph.D. defense is one of those things that one can never feel prepared enough for because usually, it is the first time one is doing it! In this post, I paint a picture of how to successfully defend your Ph.D. thesis including how to make the slides for your defense talk. Associated blog post:…

  • Dangers of a Ph.D. Taking Too Long

    In this post, I talk about the dangers of a Ph.D. taking too long to finish and to point out the resources available to you to combat that. Dangers of a Ph.D. taking too long A Ph.D. that is much longer than five to six years is a poor return on investment. Whatever the reason,…

  • On your relationship with time in graduate school

    On your relationship with time in graduate school

    Your relationship with time in graduate school will determine whether you achieve more rather than less, so have a respectful attitude towards time. Donā€™t let time get away from you and donā€™t take time for granted. The audio version of this post: Let me clarify that. Thinking of graduate school as a long time to…

  • How to start a podcast using just your phone and Macbook

    How to start a podcast using just your phone and Macbook

    If you are new to audio like I am, you might be interested in the least expensive and challenging way to get started with recording audio. I share how to get started with a podcast by using just your phone and Macbook. Specifically, you will need a free app on your phone and a free…

  • How To Pandemic-Proof Your Life And Income

    How To Pandemic-Proof Your Life And Income

    The COVID-19 Pandemic Might Just Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You. Pandemic-proof your income to pursue your ultimate dream and be set for life. This post brings together several posts I have been writing to encourage people to follow their dream while also pandemic-proofing their life and income.Ā  The audio version of…

  • How much does blogging or having a website cost?

    How much does blogging or having a website cost?

    If you are starting off as a blogger or website owner, you might first want to know how much it will cost. So how much does blogging or having a website cost? I will give you the breakdown for this site. There are three aspects to consider: platform, hosting, and domain. All three potentially cost…

  • Pandemic-induced question: what are you already good at?

    Pandemic-induced question: what are you already good at?

    During this pandemic is the perfect time to recognize your niche and deliver.Ā The point is to find your niche, or more likely, recognize your niche. You are probably already good at something. You are probably already passionate about something. You have likely always suppressed innate talent and interests to follow the more conventional path, to…

  • Why this pandemic will help you find the right job

    Why this pandemic will help you find the right job

    Although the pandemic is presenting incredible challenges, I really believe that people who survive it could, in fact, thrive by finding what is right for them including The Right Job. I even think that people can start to live their dream through this global madness.   The Right Job It’s like finding Mr. or Ms.…

  • Dangers of a Ph.D. Taking Too Long

    Dangers of a Ph.D. Taking Too Long

    In this post, I talk about the dangers of a Ph.D. taking too long to finish and to point out the resources available to you to combat that. I have written about how to avoid taking too long and graduate in a timely manner in this blog as well as in my book. The audio…

  • How to buy a house during the pandemic

    How to buy a house during the pandemic

    This is a guest post by my mother, Rumni Banerjee, who is trying to buy a house during the pandemic to come and live closer to me in Dayton, Ohio. She is doggedly pursuing this goal and I asked her to write about it to share with you how it is done during a pandemic.…

  • Recovering from COVID-like symptoms during Week 3

    Recovering from COVID-like symptoms during Week 3

    Recovering from COVID-like symptoms during Week 3 has me wondering when I can fully get back to normal. For me, “normal” looks like a lot of movement. At home, I am usually up on my feet a lot, go up and down the stairs, many times, walk very fast, dance to music, do some core…

  • One-page technical resume template

    One-page technical resume template

    If you lost your job or looking to make a career switch during the pandemic, I have a one-page technical resume template for you that might work well for roles like consulting, technical research, etc. This is my current resume and the one I use within my company to help bid on new work. I…

  • How to get inspired if you are feeling down during this pandemic

    How to get inspired if you are feeling down during this pandemic

    The pandemic is hard-hitting. It feels really strange sometimes and depressing at other times. However, I believe we can start living our dream through this global pandemic. I have suggestions for content to help you get inspired if you are feeling down. Inspiring and optimistic leaders You can gain inspiration and optimism by consuming the…

  • FREE! My bestselling graduate school help book “How to PhD” will be free May 8

    FREE! My bestselling graduate school help book “How to PhD” will be free May 8

    Please take advantage of the step-by-step guidance and advice in this bestselling graduate school help book in the College Guides category. “How to PhD: The Graduate School Handbook” will be FREE this Friday, May 8! Bestselling graduate school help book This is a step-by-step graduate school guideĀ and self-help book complete with everything you need to…

  • How to start living your dream through this pandemic

    How to start living your dream through this pandemic

    In order to start living your dream through this pandemic, you need to seize opportunities to solve the problems it presents. Below are some ideas on how to do that. Previously, I have written about: The need for pandemic-proofing your life if you are non-essential, quarantined at home or working from home. On how pandemic-proofing…

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