Why this pandemic will help you find the right job

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Although the pandemic is presenting incredible challenges, I really believe that people who survive it could, in fact, thrive by finding what is right for them including The Right Job. I even think that people can start to live their dream through this global madness.

the right job
Photo by William Iven on Unsplash


The Right Job

It’s like finding Mr. or Ms. Right. Except it’s to find you your perfect job and best culture fit for what YOU want to be doing. 

What is exciting to me is that I have this strong feeling that the pandemic will push people to look for the job that is right for them. The job they have always wanted to do or to fill the role they were always meant to be in. During a crisis, the everyday problems just get amplified and that much more unbearable. You are dealing with stress and inconveniences while being worried about your health and the wellbeing of your loved ones. It’s a LOT to handle and to get through. 

The pandemic can start to break people but what I hope for is that it breaks their inhibitions. I hope that the pandemic allows people to take that leap, or depending on the change, a small step towards their ultimate dream. 

I am hoping that people get that much closer to doing the work they were always meant to do. It won’t be so bad that you got laid off when you find your dream opportunity. Maybe:

  • You were miserable as a research scientist and would much prefer a medical writing position, for example.
  • Or, you were looking to switch industries.
  • You were client-facing but wanted something else, or to be client-facing in a different way. 

The opposite could also be true where you gain motivation in your current role. Maybe your job won’t be so unbearable anymore now that you can telework. Perhaps you will grow more loyalty for your company because they did not lay you off. Maybe your company is adapting and you are rather proud of it.

What you didn’t appreciate before might just be what is keeping you employed right now, and it is time to appreciate the small and big things. 

Change is expected right now

Whichever way you go, the biggest assurance is that change is expected right now. It is not a question anymore or a crazy thing to think about. It is allowed because it is already here. If you haven’t allowed yourself the change you needed before, you can allow yourself now. 

So, what is the right job for you? I will leave you to ponder on that with this TikTok video I made. It is nothing crazy, I am very new and terrified still of this video-sharing platform. If you are on it, please follow and I will follow back. I need friends there.


#girlslikeyou #justforfun if you are in school check out my website howtophd.org and let me know in a comment what you’d like me to write about!

♬ Girls Like You – Maroon 5



One response to “Why this pandemic will help you find the right job”

  1.  Avatar

    I am loving this new normal teleworking.

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