• Support Black Lives Matter and promote relevant content

    Support Black Lives Matter and promote relevant content

    Support Black Lives Matter and be willing to dig deeper to understand what is really going on. Get uncomfortable and join the movement. That is all I have to say today, my friends. Support #BlackLivesMattter on Twitter and post useful information to educate people on what this hashtag really means and intends to do. The…

  • Why I am happy that the NASA launch is delayed

    I am happy that the NASA launch is delayed because it is important to do the right thing. I feel for the people who are working hard to get this launch done but I am proud and glad, that they are making the right decisions. The launch had to be scrubbed due to unfavorable weather…

  • The “parallel universe uncovered” news is clickbait

    The “parallel universe uncovered” news is clickbait

    I realize my posts yesterday on this blog, podcast, and YouTube channel were long, and not everyone had a chance to go through the material. So super quickly, I want to be clear that the “parallel universe uncovered” news is clickbait. Please don’t share these news articles that are saying that we (ANITA/NASA) have uncovered…

  • Want to know what the parallel universe nonsense is about?

    Lots of people who are NOT on the ANITA collaboration are talking about this topic of how “NASA scientists may have uncovered a parallel universe.” Well, as someone who is actually on the collaboration and also deeply interested in making science communication more accessible, I figured I will blog about the SCIENCE that is getting…

  • Want to know what the parallel universe nonsense is about?

    Want to know what the parallel universe nonsense is about?

    Lots of people who are NOT on the ANITA collaboration are talking about this topic of how “NASA scientists may have uncovered a parallel universe.” Well, as someone who is actually on the collaboration and also deeply interested in making science communication more accessible, I figured I will blog about the SCIENCE that is getting…

  • How to PhD is now helping content creators!

    I am happy to share with you that this blog is now also geared towards helping content creators. I have started a podcast and also a YouTube channel to help both students and also content creators. If you are interested in creating a personal brand or helping people through your content, I hope that the…

  • How to PhD is now helping content creators!

    How to PhD is now helping content creators!

    I am happy to share with you that this blog is now also geared towards helping content creators. I have started a podcast and also a YouTube channel to help both students and also content creators. If you are interested in creating a personal brand or helping people through your content, I hope that the…

  • What to do if your advisor is not on the same page about graduation

    What to do if your advisor is not on the same page about graduation

    As a senior graduate student, you might face a situation where your advisor is not on the same page as you about graduation. The recommended approach, in this case, would be to tackle the problem step by step, and not all at once. It may very well be that the last person to get on…

  • How to Make a Case For Graduation With a PhD

    Here I talk about how to make a case for graduation with a Ph.D. including some techniques you can deploy towards that end. Finishing a Ph.D. in a shorter as opposed to a longer period of time does NOT mean that you get to do less work. You have to accomplish MORE to graduate faster…

  • How to start a website – Discussion on choosing Platform, Hosting, and Domain

    If you are starting off as a blogger or website owner, you might first want to know how much it will cost. So how much does blogging or having a website cost? I will give you the breakdown for this site. There are three aspects to consider: platform, hosting, and domain. All three potentially cost…

  • How to Make a Case For Graduation With a PhD

    How to Make a Case For Graduation With a PhD

    Here I talk about how to make a case for graduation with a Ph.D. including some techniques you can deploy towards that end. On your relationship with time in graduate school Finishing a Ph.D. in a shorter as opposed to a longer period of time does NOT mean that you get to do less work.…

  • How to start a podcast using just your phone and Macbook – Anchor Audio

    If you are new to audio like I am, you might be interested in the least expensive and challenging way to get started with recording audio. I share how to get started with a podcast by using just your phone and Macbook. Specifically, you will need a free app on your phone and a free…

  • How To Pandemic-Proof Your Life And Income – Audio

    The COVID-19 Pandemic Might Just Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You. Pandemic-proof your income to pursue your ultimate dream and be set for life. This post brings together several posts I have been writing to encourage people to follow their dream while also pandemic-proofing their life and income. Let’s start living the…

  • Why you should consider joining Cheeky Scientist

    ——NOT SPONSORED BY CHEEKY SCIENTIST ASSOCIATION—– The moment before joining Cheeky Scientist, I was sitting in the dark in my bathroom. It was late one night in November 2017. I was worried about my future. Listen to the audio to hear this discussion. Associated Blog post: https://howtophd.org/2018/08/what-happened-when-i-joined-cheeky.html Leave a comment on the How to PhD…

  • On your relationship with time in graduate school

    Your relationship with time in graduate school will determine whether you achieve more rather than less, so have a respectful attitude towards time. Don’t let time get away from you and don’t take time for granted. Five years is not long if you want to achieve more rather than less Listen to the audio to…

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