already good

Pandemic-induced question: what are you already good at?

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready…

During this pandemic is the perfect time to recognize your niche and deliver. The point is to find your niche, or more likely, recognize your niche. You are probably already good at something.

already good
North Carolina

You are probably already passionate about something. You have likely always suppressed innate talent and interests to follow the more conventional path, to be safe. 

Now is the time to bring that “real you” to the forefront. While the world is in chaos, you can unleash your true self. Let your passions loose and take their course. 

Like making a TikTok video which is something I was not already good at but learning I hope

If you are a problem-solver then you can not only get through this pandemic, you can thrive. There is a world waiting for you to help them. So, help them! Don’t wait anymore, just do. 

Forget about losing your job and not being able to see your friends. Jobs come and go. You can Zoom call with your friends. Forget the negativity. Bring solutions to the table. Adapt and leverage the fact that you can do something using your particular expertise, whatever that may be. 

Having any role at all to better the world and solve problems in this pandemic is an awesome gift. It will forever enrich your life and bring new meaning to it. You just have to allow yourself to shift gears and jump in. 

The tangible incentive? It can forever change the way you sustain yourself. It can replace your job or current method of income. 

So, don’t wait any longer for the chaos to be over. Don’t wait for everything to be normal again. Take action, help people, and start your NEW life and method of income. 

The game is on, war is on. Fire. Go, go, GO. 

How to get inspired if you are feeling down during this pandemic



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