Month: October 2018

  • How to avoid student loans

    How to avoid student loans

    Are you or your kid thinking about going to college while trying to avoid student loans? This post is for you. At the time of applying to colleges in the US, I was in India. I had never been to the US yet. I was pretty clueless and did not know what I was doing.…

  • How to write a journal publication: FREE LaTeX template!

    How to write a journal publication: FREE LaTeX template!

    In this post, I share a LaTeX template for a journal publication. The template is from a paper I wrote as the corresponding author for the journal Nuclear Instruments and Methods.     The LaTeX template I share here should hopefully make the process of typesetting your paper easier and faster. I wrote this paper…

  • How you could become a consultant after graduate school

    How you could become a consultant after graduate school

    I recently transitioned from academia to industry. I was a Ph.D. student in particle astrophysics and now I am a senior consultant. I am really enjoying being in industry and would like to address this question that I have been asked by Ph.D. students and postdocs: What skills do I need to become a consultant?…

  • Dear workaholic, this is why work life balance is important

    Dear workaholic, this is why work life balance is important

    Dear workaholic, this post is for you. I have timed it with the month of October – the month of Librans.     The zodiac sign Libra is all about balance (I think) Balance. Balance is hard for a workaholic. People say “workaholic” like it’s a good thing. Maybe, to some extent. As a workaholic, I…

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