Month: July 2018

  • How to write your thesis: FREE LaTeX template and note on Overleaf

    How to write your thesis: FREE LaTeX template and note on Overleaf

    While writing your Ph.D. thesis, the last thing you want to worry about is – the writing part! You are doing a million things – finishing your projects, training the new grad student(s), looking for a job, maybe teaching..! You are not about to lose your mind. You have lost it a while ago. Fighting…

  • How to successfully defend your PhD thesis

    How to successfully defend your PhD thesis

    A Ph.D. defense is one of those things that one can never feel prepared enough for because usually, it is the first time one is doing it! In this post, I try to paint a picture of how to successfully defend your Ph.D. thesis including how to make the slides for your defense talk. The…

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