linkedin headline

How to get your next job: Do this in the next 30 seconds

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How to get your next job: Do this in the next 30 seconds ➡️(Change your LinkedIn headline to appear on more search results and replace profile pic with a headshot outdoors using natural lighting

Enjoy the podcast episode 👆 on how you can change your LinkedIn headline and profile pic that I just recorded for you on this topic!! Alright, here is what you gotta do!

linkedin headline
Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

Change your profile photo and LinkedIn headline

I need to as well once I find someone to take a headshot of me, lol! But this is what I have learned and like to share!!



  1. Get someone to take a headshot of you in the outdoors against a natural background with natural lighting. Look professional yet approachable, which you are!!!
  2. Change your headline to something like this: “Entry 1 | Entry 2 | Entry 3 | Entry 4 | Entry 5” where the entry values can be stuff like what I have in my headline describing myself, my role, etc. The last entry should be something that humanizes you or gives even more extra information about you that normally wouldn’t be known. It could be “Travel Enthusiast” and has nothing to do with your job. See below for why the entries are so important.
  3. Use the entries in your headline to make yourself more searchable on LinkedIn, leverage that space to put in keywords important to your industry or area of work like “Machine Learning Expert” so that the keywords help you to show up on search results. Don’t just put your current title or job there. Think KEYWORDS
  4. You can put things like “Open to Relocate” or “Remote” as your entries if you are willing to do those. Lots of people, for example, are not open to relocating and if you say that you are upfront it helps the right people find you on search results.

Do you have or are eligible for a security clearance? Put that in your LinkedIn headline!

Make sure to put “Active Security Clearance” as one of your entries!!!!! And also in your role’s job description!!! If you are trying to get into the defense industry and are a US citizen, meaning you are eligible for getting a security clearance, then put “Security Clearance Eligible” as one of your entries, please!!!!!

  • Comment your LI profile on here or DM me if you want me to personally review your LI profile and give you changes. We can iterate indefinitely.

Fun with LinkedIn headlines

Also, for your LinkedIn headline, which I suggest should be like this “Entry 1 | Entry 2 | Entry 3 | Entry 4 | Entry 5” you can be more fun and use emojis as the dividers like I do instead of this character “|” but it is whatever you like more!

The most important thing is KEYWORDS!

And note that my profile pic is just a selfie right now but at least it is outdoors in natural lighting, so you can do something similar till you replace the pic with a more professional-looking headshot.

Incremental progress is still progress!

Don’t wait for things to be perfect before you start implementing changes. If recruiters are not hounding you right this moment, that means you can make changes in the next 30 seconds to improve your chances of being found or showing up on search results!!!! SO DO IT (or I will beat you! just kidding)

Finally, this advice is especially relevant for those who are still in school or grad school, so people know you are job searching and that is normal. So go nuts!!!

For some who are in jobs right now and don’t want it to be known that they are job searching, it may be a bit trickier, still for those, too, you can do a lot of these incremental changes without hurting anything and also increasing your chances of being found manyfold.

For me, for example, due to being in the defense industry already, I get approached all the time and know enough people whom I can reach out to for a job change, so my LI profile is not the end all be all for job searching, plus I am very happy in my current role!

But please recognize that it is an incredible tool for you if you are new to job searching!!!!




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