Focus on your strengths

Focus on your strengths, not weaknesses

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I realized recently that I am not very good at acknowledging my weaknesses. That makes it sound like I am not humble, and rather arrogant. Yet, I’d rather YOU focus on your strengths, not weaknesses.

focus on your strengths

That is because everything I have accomplished so far would be very hard to do if I focused on my weaknesses. As far as being productive is concerned, I really believe that running with what you got is better than dwelling on what you don’t have or can’t do.

Hear it from someone much more successful than me, Gary Vee.

I do the same thing, which is to kind of ignore my weaknesses. This helps me to get more done, not less. I care about accomplishments, results, not stupid weaknesses.

Weaknesses are excuses to not get shit done. I hate that.

I don’t want to put my life out for judgment because nobody likes to be judged. But I do it anyway.

It’s content.

It’s very hard. I don’t think people appreciate that. They never do. They never get what it’s like to be in my place because no one IS in my place.

I am my number one fan for a reason.

If I focused on my weaknesses, feel like I would get nowhere… it is much easier to take what I got and put it to some use

#BeStrong #resources #howtophd #phdlife

Focus on your strengths to get more done.

Take it from me that you are better off without focusing on your weaknesses. They can be there and it does not matter. You are so much better off just focusing on what you are good at and making that work for you to achieve things you want to achieve.

You will be more productive, too.

I guess… that means that if you want to achieve things, that can be done in spite of weaknesses. You have no excuse for not achieving those things you want. Go get them.

For example, I started this podcast… because I really wanted to accomplish having a podcast that would start helping people sooner rather than later.


3 responses to “Focus on your strengths, not weaknesses”

  1.  Avatar

    Great attitude.

  2.  Avatar

    Sensible perspective

  3. Rajorshi Avatar

    SWOT Analysis is required for knowing oneself better,

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