logic is not good enough

Dear smart people, logic is NOT good enough

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Smart people often make the mistake of thinking that logic is the best option. In real life, logic almost never is. At least, not JUST logic.

logic is not good enough

Photo by Saketh Garuda on Unsplash

Don’t get me wrong. Logic is a good thing. I am just saying that it is not enough.

Logic is good when you are solely focused on work. On your own.

It’s good when you need ONLY logic.

But in most real-life situations, you need more.

You can’t win with logic. Not in the LONG term. You might THINK you are better because of your capacity to logic. You probably do think that. You probably ARE better. But that’s not what matters.

What is more important to you? Feeling that you are better than the other person? Or winning? More long term.

Destroying the other person or making a strong connection that will lead to better RESULTS?

You must decide.

Relying only on logic is short-sighted.

Realizing that you need more than logic might be your first step towards inclusiveness. Towards real change.

Because here’s the thing: If you don’t actually care about bringing about the change, you can logic all you want. You can complain about politicians and less educated people not understanding logic.

That’s honestly all you can do. Complain.

Logic gives you the power to complain and complain so well that you think you have accomplished something. But have you?

If complaining solved problems, then the world would be a very different place today.

To solve real problems, you need more than logic.

You need compassion, empathy, leadership, friendship…

Learn these things OR spend the rest of your life just complaining logically.

To me, it sounds like such a waste when smart people decide to take that route. Really. You are soooo clever and ALL you want to do is effectively NOTHING.

Because that’s what you are doing with all your logic-ing. You are affecting ZERO change.

Want a different president? Just SOUNDING smarter than him is not going to get you anywhere. Want a better healthcare system? Just spewing logic about the current one is not going to get you anywhere.

The problem with smart people is that they are SO happy just KNOWING that they are smart. They want to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the fact that they are smart and can actually DO SOMETHING. They just want to win petty arguments and conversations. Life is MORE than that, smart people.

Don’t complain about X (like politics) not having enough smart people if you are not going to personally do anything about it. Cuz, let’s be real, if you cared, you WOULD do something.

You don’t care. You just want to sound smart. And, honestly, that does NOTHING for anyone but you, so spare us.

Truth is, with all your logic, you are affecting ZERO change. How about, next time, think about a problem you’d like to solve and then try to take action to actually SOLVE it. Not just logically complain about it.  See where THAT gets you.

Here is the thing: I know you are smart. No need to prove it again and again. But what does that DO for me? Absolutely nothing.

No one but YOU cares that you are smart. What OTHER people care about is when you USE your smartness to actually DO something.

If you are going to let the world know how smart you are with smartass comments full of logic, pray, don’t stop there and follow through with some ACTION that people actually give a shit about.

If you are all that clever, learn not to burn bridges. Cuz, that’s stupid. Figure out a way to make the world a better place.

Feel free to leave a smartass comment below, get it out of your system, and then MOVE ON to affect REAL change.

Or, forward to someone you know that makes a lot of smartass comments, lol. Either way, we are all good, I promise.





3 responses to “Dear smart people, logic is NOT good enough”

  1. Veethika Pandey Avatar
    Veethika Pandey

    Couldn’t agree more! 🙂

  2. OV Avatar

    Well said Oindree. And thanks for putting such an important issue into the RIGHT perspective

  3.  Avatar

    Great one Oindree. Keep posting. There are smart people who act smart without doing any logical effect on society or something useful for other beings. They simply acting themselves smart .

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